Book Boyfriend of the Week! 20/08/14

Hey everyone! as of today I am going to do a segment on my blog every tuesday stating my Book Boyfriend of the week! I have seen this on a few blogs and you could do it too! All you have to do is state your book boyfriend of the week whether its from the book you're currently reading or a book you just finished this week! So who's my book boyfriend of the week...

Josh from Isla and the Happily every After!

I read and finished Isla and the happily ever after this week (watch out for a review)
and it was fantastic! Even though Étienne is still my all time book boyfriend I still thought more of Josh from this book than I did of him in Anna and the french kiss!

So that was my book boyfriend of the week! Stay tuned for next tuesday when I say my book boyfriend for that week!

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